Prayer Request

Dear G-d,
I am lonely...again. I'm crying. I feel like I did when I was a little kid, like no one wants to play with me. I sent an email to 14 friends on Sunday, inviting them to an event on the beach followed by a live play by a famous comedienne, for this coming Saturday. Two people said they couldn't come. And 12 have said nothing. What's up? Why do I have to be so alone? I HATE this. I am not a bad person. I am smart and funny and cute. But no one arranges social stuff with me, and when I initiate, I often get no takers. I can't function well when I am self employed and live and work alone. I am a little shy, but not a lot. But I'm feeling more that way, and days and days of rain and overcast don't help my mood. Please, G-d, help me connect with mutually supportive people, soon, so I can stay sane.

Thank you

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I know that lonely feeling all to well as a kid and at times as an adult,you know your a good person.It gets easier maybe not today but I will

Teelee | on Apr 13, 2010

Man I would not take it all some ppl just r not id friend at all it will be ok...the lord will send other ppl in ur direction that r u and u will have so.much n be happy uv just.made a new friend...ok ;-)

Blessed** | on Apr 13, 2010

I pray for you

bluebutterfly | on Apr 13, 2010

Maybe God is preparing u for something n those people wont be good for u I'm a lot of time the same way

jay | on Apr 13, 2010

God Bless you now and always..

angela | on Apr 18, 2010

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