Prayer Request

God thank you for the opportunities I have been given, and for helping me through this week. I am not perfect and you remind me that I don't need to be, that I am to be loved just as I am anyway and that you will never leave me. My mind goes to bad thoughts and unfounded worries and although I have found it easier to cope in for example one way of imagining myself hugging the bad thought which then provokes a positive reaction in the bad thought to make it a good thought, this shifting is not in my nature...I'm so thankful you are helping me start to make this change.

For anyone reading this, I pray for you and the struggles you face and know that I love you. I would be nothing without Him and he teaches me daily to love Him, myself and others which is what truly makes life a better place.

Thank you God and please continue to guide me...In Jesus's Name Amen.

by Anonymous

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