Heavenly father thank you for this beautiful day, thank you for everything that is going on in my life. Thank you for giving me th strength to walk, talk,laugh and sing. Lord i ask you to pour your blessings on me,my family,friends and enemies. Lord when i look up the mountains,valleys,lakes there is no one like you. The beginner and ender of all things. You are the God that open the red sea for the israelites to walk on, you are the same God that healed the blind,healed the cripple. I ask you father to give me a forgiven heart, give me the ability to forgive those who have offended me. Father, i pray for the military and their family give them the strenght to defend this great country, when their love ones feel lonely, father be their companion,when they feel like crying, assure them. I pray for the cripple,deaf,homeless,blind, lOrd let them receive their healing today. When the world turn its back against them, let them know that u will be their walking stick.