Prayer Request

Dear God, I woke this morning feeling anxiety and worry. Please help me to overcome these challenges and remember You are here to guide me. Please help me to stop these bad habits, and help me to find the wisdom and insight and support that I need. How can I change my life? How can I become the person I want to be and stop these distructive ways? Please..... I pray for hope and faith, becuase it is very lacking right now. Pleasee dear God help me find hope. In Jesus name, Amen

by Sunnie

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Thank you for that prayer it's exactly how I feel and I will add to my favorites

elina | on Apr 08, 2010

Thanks for the support elina! Wishing you many blessings!

Sunnie | on May 01, 2010

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