Prayer Request

Dear papa Jesus , I have two troubles, that I need your help. The first is our church need a place to have services. We looked all the arieas that we can look. But,can't find one that we can rent. Our hearts felt depressed,and worried. Not too expensive that we don't have the money rent , but also too small that can't fit us. I wanna screen that jesus papa give us a cheap ,and big space to rent in these two days. Whooooo.......p. Second, please bless us to gover the money that you give us, and we can all become rich and more giving to you.thank you. In Jesus name I pray amen.

by Jessie

Pray Pray

2 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You can set up church anywhere a house or even a park ask your local boys scouts they have a lot of resources bless you on your quest

elina | on Apr 08, 2010

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