Prayer Request

Tonight I pray one more time that finally -- for once and for all -- I can be confident that my salvation is secured in Christ Jesus. I was raised in faith and then for nearly a decade I walked entirely away from You, spurning and mocking everything that I had been taught and that I knew to be true. I willfully committed so many horrendous sins during this time period. I was prideful and haughty in my rejection. My deep sense of shame has been a difficult burden for me to bear. Many years have passed since my return to You now... And many, many times I have prayed the prayer of Salvation -- practically on a multiple-times a day basis -- I have with all my heart given my life over to Jesus time and again... yet for some reason I'm still coping with a nagging fear and uncertainty, that somehow I haven't been earnest enough or steadfast enough in my prayers or comittment to be fully secure in the redemption of my soul. Particularly because I have backslidden on more than one occasion into habits which are sinful in Your Sight. But I truly and desperately DO want to be with Jesus forever, and to Glorify His Holy Name!! Father, Your faithful have just finished celebrating Easter Sunday... The celebration of the Blood Sacrifice of Your Risen Son, Who died for the sins of all those who would believe on Him. Please, I ask You once more, fill my heart with reassurance today... Dispel the lingering doubts in my heart... Instill in me the assurance through Your Word to have confidence that I will one day see Your Face and worship You in Your Holy Tabernacle.

In Jesus' Name I pray that You Break this yoke of bondage to fear and doubt, which has created a stronghold within me... Father, remove this unholy binding from my soul by the Power of the Holy Spirit, through the Blood of Christ Jesus!!
Prayerful Christ-followers... Siblings in Jesus... I ask you all to join me in lifting this prayer up to the Lord. I have been terrorized by this fear for many years now, though I am a Saved person... Please, raise your voices up to God in unison with mine... That He will show me a sign to give me comfort and confidence. Thank you.

by Praying4Victory

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Jesus loves you, he died for you. All those sins you still feel ashamed of, he has forgiven you! You are no longer guilty. You believe and so you are saved. We all struggle with sin, and no matter how hard we try we will still slip up. But we are saved by grace,not by our own righteousness. don't listen to the devil filling your head with fear and doubt. Rebuke him! I pray in Jesus name that you are filled with peace and assurance. God bless

verity | on Apr 07, 2010

Thank you, Verity... God Richly Bless You as well.

Praying4Victory | on Apr 07, 2010

Always remember God's promise to us in 1John 1:9 --- if we confess our sins to God , He is forgiving and just and He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ---ethel

Anonymous | on Apr 07, 2010

Thank you so much. This Verse just touched me deeply:
God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 
1Thessalonians 5:9-11
Now all that's left for me to do is to surrender myself into believing that even someone as sinful as I have been in my life can be saved. "Not by works, that any man should boast"... But because our Risen Lord & Savior Jesus Christ paid the debt for my sin with His Precious Blood on the Cross. Glory to God in Christ!!

Praying4Victory | on Apr 07, 2010

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