Prayer Request

Dear God, I would first like to sincerely thank you for allowing me to see another day. I know through you anything is possible. Teach me to have faith, as you have faith in me. Please continue to work on me and bring me closer to you each day.

Please God, if love is the highest and upmost feeling known to man and the closest description we have to you God, then help me to understand why a religion forbids my love. You have seen my pain, and I can only put all my trust in you God and lean not on my own understanding. Please bless her heart and relieve her of her pain and give it to me. You know how much I love her, so please please show me guidance.

Please bless my wonderful family and friends and let them know how much I love them. Also, please give me the strength to finish this semester strong so that I may go back home to them.

Hopefully I haven't asked to much and you can see and feel the sincerity and purity of my heart. I love you. Thank you, amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Jesus will listen your pray.

Ti Ti Footprints | on Apr 07, 2010

Thank you. Continue to walk in faith

Anonymous | on Apr 07, 2010

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