Prayer Request

My God thank you for comforting me at my time of stress. Thank you for bringing the right people at the right time in life. Thank you for my boyfriend who thinks he cant offer me much but hes given me more support than anyone has ever and sharing your word with the ones i love brings joy and satisfaction. I do want you to bring supportive loving people out of the shadows and appear to the ones who are crying out for help..theres a couple of people i am reading on here that want to end their lives and what it seems like theyve given up hope. I prayed for them individually but now i want to group them and generally say to help them all for they are blinded by the lies of the devil and theyre souls are becoming weaker and faith is diminishing..which is not what they want or else they woulnt be here asking for before i sleep i pray they see another day and another way. In your name i pray ..amen.

by Dassha P. (CT)

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