Prayer Request

Dear God, please hear me, please hear my cry out to you today. I need something to give me hope, Lord, anything. It feels like my world is falling down around me, and I keep sinking into this pit. My husband is going through with the divorce, despite all my best efforts to pray and put faith in the hopes that our marriage would be saved. I still trust in you, however, I need something to pick me up. I can't lose any more of the life I've created here, I have some of the best friends I could ask for, and a job. Please help me monetarily to find a way to stay in Virginia. Please help me find a second or third job, if needed, so I can support myself and pay rent. Please, Lord, I feel so very alone and desperate to keep what's left of my life out here. Please don't take anything else away from me, Lord, please. Thank you, Lord, thank you fir always being there when I need you. Please hear me and answer my prayers, Lord, please. With all my heart, soul, and love, in jesus' name, Amen.

by katherine, va

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