Prayer Request

Dear most heavenly father, Things r going to change so drastically for me. I don't know what to do ow who I can depend on . I don't know where I belong. My son is 21 but is taking the divorce so hard. I don't want to be divorced but my husband filed and there is no going back. I have no job will have to move and have never been on my own. Please lord show me your will.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I understand ur fear but trust in the Lord with all ur heart and lean not on ur own understanding! All things shall work together for the good for those who love the lord! Father In the name of Jesus I pray now for this family! I pray that if this divorce is not of your will then you will put a stop to it and that if it is then give this woman and her son the peace and strngth to depend on u and trust that u will direct there lives for the best! I declare healing, prosperity, and most importantly love and divine council upon them at this moment in Jesus name!

seen the light07 | on Apr 06, 2010

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