Prayer Request

Dear God,
I want to thank you for everything you have guided me through in my life, bringing me my love back and happyness into my life. I ask if u could make her feel better she has been feeling sick for a while, i know part of her sickness its because of me not being the husband i was supposed to be but i ask u to bring her happiness again god, again thank you. I also ask that u bless my family i love so much we all need you and hope you guide them with ur love and always keep us next to you like we felt u kept us, my brother needs u right now guide him plz he loves u sooo much but his wife is not showing him the love he deserves he works so hard to provide for his family god guide him thru this and again cant thank you enough for my wife being next to me..well goodnight and give my mom and dad a kiss for me. I love u, ahmen...

by felipe

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