Prayer Request

Dear God
Please fix my moms and my boyfriends relatiionship. She feels that hedoes not deserve me and that we are not equally yoked. You see he did not attend college and I soon will obtain my masters degree. He is not employed and has not found a job in over a year. It angers her that he recently wanted to break up but neither of us could go through with it. Now, aftter that day he realized how much we love one another. He felt like he was loosing me and now he wants to get married. I love him so much and really dont want to live my life apart from him. I have bad health and have been hospitalized many times. The last seven years have been a nightmare. I want to lead my own life for you Jesus and for myself. I have lived the last many years living the life that the doctors and my Mother had designed for me. My bf and I feel that the Lord has brought us togeather and I now feel complete and happy for the first time in years and he challenges me in my spiritual growth. God. PLEASE get he to be less controling and supportive of my happiness. I do not have the energy to fight her and get pass all of the obstacles that he and I face in our relationship. I feel like he and I are to do something powerfull for the kingdom of God. May your will be done Lord. Amen

by Anonymous

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