Prayer Request

Dear lord
(Please comment)
A lot of things are happening. Myband teacher Amy Cobb is sick with cancer, she went j. For a small surgery on chirstmas break and it went terribly wrong, her kidneys hav shut down and she has to goto dialysis evry Tuesday and Saturday but yesterdayshe woke up not knowing who she was. It might just be a side effect from the medicine but the drs say she will prolly not make it.

Also my uncle is sick with cancer where his muscles and kidneys are shutting down.

Also my great aunt Danna is sick with throat cancer. The drs say there is only a 30% chance she will make it

Injesus name I pray amen

by rays-of-light

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

James 5:14 -15 says is anyone among you sick? He shall call in the church elders ( the spiritual guides ) And they should pray over him, anointing him with oil in the Lord's name. And the prayer (that is) of faith will save him who is sick, and the Lird will restore him; and if he has committed sin he will be forgiven. I'm not sure if you have elders who can say a prayer for your loved ones but I stand in agreement with you asking for complete healing for those you've shown concern for! May God continue to keep you all! In friendship, nfaith!

nfaith | on Apr 05, 2010

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