Prayer Request

God i don't have to say it to you because you already know.. however the world needs to hear this from me, because you made me this way. Your children doesn't understand me when i speak.. all of your children have a gifts, and one of the many gifts we have is, learning, we ALL have common sense, we ALL know right from wrong, we ALL know that doing good is always right, and doing bad is wrong and we ALL should know that with out you we ALL are doomed. God i say thank you because you love me and you don't let me down like your children do, and you don't try to force me to do anything and i know you know that your my everything, and so i'll live my life and do my best to treat everyone with love and respect; however you also have giving me sense enough not to be foolish and to beat those who are wrong with kindness... thank you God for loving me for who i am..

by tyrese

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