Prayer Request

Heavenly Father, I love You & wish to know & love You more & better. I am thankful for the many blessings You have provided to me. I am thankful for all You allow in my life. Forgive me of my sins, & bless me with all I need to resist temptation & refrain from sin. I thank You that You will help me to know & hear Your voice more clearly & the wisdom to understand what You say. I praise You & thank You that You will help me to shake off depression enough to put my home in order & make it a place I will enjoy more & be happy to allow visitors. I thank You that You will send me someone(s) of Your choosing to help me with this. Your power is unlimited. You are almighty & worthy of praise. Bless You my Heavenly Father for Your love knows no bounds. Thank You for blessing my family, my friends, & my pets. I am faithful You will continue in this. Glory be to You my Lord, God. In the Name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, all things I pray, amen & amen.

by turnip_seed

Pray Pray

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Amen my friend %uD83D%uDE4C

☁↝❀◆Hεανεη◆❀↜: ☁ | on Mar 29, 2014

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