Prayer Request

Lord Jesus, I ask for the strength to endure the next 2 months at work. My coworkers are so mean, Lord, and it is so difficult to wear a smile in front of my students when my coworkers and boss hate me so much. I just try to remind myself that I am being persecuted for Your name's sake and that You will grant me justice for their unfairness. Give me the strength to make it these next two months. I ask in Jesus' mighty name... amen.

by isaacsmommy7

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

U can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens u!!! do not be discouraged or buy into the lies satan tries to throw in Ur face! know that God is with u& do not let people bring u down! wear a smile proudly because u know that u are a new and beautiful creation created in Gods image and there is NOTHING that can defeat u because u have Him on ur side! let the joy of the Lord be ur strength! !!

GratefulGirl | on Apr 04, 2010

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