Prayer Request

Lord God you said to ask and it shall be given in the name of Jesus. Lord God I ask an unusual thing today that I normally don't pray for but you told me to cast my cares on You because you care for me. So God in the name of Jesus I ask for an unusual blessing in the form of money God. God you know how I keep your wordsvin my heart and how I'm a tither, I give my offering, and when I receive any first fruits I give it to you first, also how when I see someone in need my husband and I help. God right now it's him and I in need. I need a blessing only you cn do Lord. I ask if you touch the hearts of people in the name of Jesus. Lord you said in your word the wealth of the wick is stored up for the righteous. Lord God you know my heart and know the reason why I'm asking this blessing is not even for ms but it's to bless someone else who is in need of a house in the next two weeks and I wanna help them more than I helped in the name of Jesus so God I ask if you touch people hearts to sewbor send an unepected check or a pupy holding the money it don't matter but God I will forever praise and worship you for in Jesus name I ask you, amen

by Gods child

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