Prayer Request

Dear God, im having such a hard time right now. I dont know if i should move back home or stay where i am. I cant help but miss my mom and old friends. Then again im going to miss my new friends. Life is a battle for me right now. All the stress and fights with my friends is causing me not to eat God. I need your help badly God so maybe i can be back on track to my old self again. Things are becoming way too hard for me to bare alone so im asking you to lead me to the right answer these next few weeks i have left up here. Help me to be strong in which ever decision you lead me to. God i love you and i have missed you! Please watch over me and everyone else as we sleep, in your name i pray amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

21 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Take a deep breath and gather yourself. Don't let people influence u or pressure u into doing anything u don't want to do. Your true friends will stand out above all others. We will all be praying for you

Slim F | on Apr 01, 2010

Thank you so much. I'm having a hard time with a friend or I thought was a true friend its just turning out daily that she is actually just selfish. It stinks and it hurts all at once.

Shellina | on Apr 01, 2010

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