Prayer Request

Today I Ross reach out again to you God as I do every day to help mend and repair my marriage with my wife SADIE we need your help . We need your love your compassion and your guidance thank you God for hearing my prayer

by Ross

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Farther in heaven we pray for our relationship with you, our family, and marriage, we pray lord that u help us resist all that divides us. Help us instead to build each other up, encouraging one another in love Amen

Anonymous | on Apr 01, 2010

Lord I pray to you, bless brother Ross and his wife Sadie to mend their hearts and rekindle their relationship. Father I ask that you can help them move past any obstacle that may have gotten in their way. I pray that you give them guidance and understanding to help them make it through. I ask you this in Jesus name, Amen.

Anonymous | on Apr 01, 2010

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