Prayer Request

I would like to know when a person is going through an ilness and you are praying that they would be healed and they are not then what? I mean i have so much faith and i have to believe that God will heal them. But when they continue to suffer and are in pain i dont understand why. I know as christians we are to wait on the Lord. But what do you say when they ask you if Gods going to heal them?

by A child of God

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Comments on this Prayer

No matter what keep praising His name!

ChosenVessel | on Mar 28, 2010

God is reigns omnicent all powerful. You are asking for physical healing God may need to continue to use this lidamaged life. God will fill a broken physical body with a holy spirit. People will be drawn to this weakness bc god is working through him this man will one day figure out what gods journey is for him. Whatever his perceived deficiency will ultimately become his biggest strength,he maygo on to inspire others we r all connected in this life. There is no such thing ad coincidence. That is the universe getting your attention glod bless u and your friend through our lord and savior Jesus Christ. May god always hold u on the palm his hand.

a light in the dark | on Mar 28, 2010

Thank you

A child of God | on Mar 28, 2010

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