Prayer Request

Heavenly Father, please help me. I'm in total despair. I don't know what's happening to me but I feel like I'm being attacked. I feel like I'm losing my wife, losing my sanity, and losing my family. My wife is pregnant I don't want her to lose our baby again. This will be the 4th time. I feel like I've been so depressed lately. Please Lord, fix me. Fix my family, fix my head, and cure me of this ailment. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

by Froggo, CA

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Praise God that the life that is in the womb God created. Embrace it thank God no matter what. Keep knocking. Don't let stress and worry take away from the joy God gives to you. Its His timing and choices. Ask God what He wants you to do to be a good provider. Shine you light.

Never Cease in Prayer | on Nov 19, 2013

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