Prayer Request

Prayer family I need your help today. I need to return to work or find a job ASAP! I'd like to return to my old job but there are no openings. I will be honest when I did have my old job I complained and did not appreciate what I had. My old job was very stressful but not having a job is very stressful too. I have learned my lesson-be grateful or it can be taken away. A couple of years ago I used to work 3 jobs and loved every minute but I became lazy and ungrateful. I would love the opportunity to work at least one again! I have also applied for other jobs but have not heard a thing. I have a little bit of money saved up but that money will only last me about 2 months. The electric,water,cell phone,home warranty,cobra health insurance and mortgage eats up my savings quickly. If I don't hear anything about a job I will file for unemployment but I'd rather work. So I wrote all this to say I ask Jesus to restore my jobs. Thank you in advance⚠.

by Sophia

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