Prayer Request

Dear Jesus,
I am feeling so lonely. Help Mr to feel You. Hold me Jesus. So much confusion which I know id not of You. Help me reach the heart of these four children for You. Help me to make the wise choices in this divorce. Take away any anger or bitterness I don't see. Please don't take my best friend from me. Help her to forgive me for the pain I caused when I was depressed I never wanted to hurt anyone. I didn't even realize what was happening. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to lose my son. Show me your way and help me to follow in faith when I don't understand. Thank you so Much for being a God of mercy and grace. I love you Jesus. In your name I pray Amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God has also been removing a lot of people and things from my life. I feel lonley also. I pray for ur pain. Divorce is so hard. God bless, and maybe sometimes he just wants us all to himself to teach and guide us? Makes me feel better looking at it that way.....

nila tx, witness | on Mar 27, 2010

I pray for u!! U pray for me

ms.rc22 | on Mar 27, 2010

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