Prayer Request

Lord, i come to you with a prayer request and a praise. Lord, first of all, I wanna thank you for who you are Lord, even when we don't see a way out of our situation, you always seem to make a way if we put our faith and trust in you. Lord I pray that you would forgive us as a church, for the better part of the last eight years Lord our pastor hasn't been paid Lord and we almost lost him because he couldn't provide for his family. But Lord you got us through it Lord and taught us that instead of trying to get a bigger church or expand or anything of that sholdnt be our priority. Lord as we start to pay the pastor, I pray that we wouldn't fall behind on bills Lord, I pray that we would have giving hearts. Thank you Lord for setting out priorities straight. Please guide us through this tough financial time like only you can, and well give you all the praise, honor, and glory for it, in Jesus name: AMEN

by L.J.

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I'm sadden to hear a church and a man of God is having such struggles I'm praying for your church pastor and the families

reborn | on Mar 27, 2010

I would love to send a donation to your church it may not be much but let me know how if you can

reborn | on Mar 27, 2010

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