Prayer Request

Lord help me to stay out of the flesh.i do not want to smoke weed and cigarettes.i want to honor you with my mind and me to renew my mind and watch the words that come out of my me father, cover me,favor me, teach me,convict me,hold Jesus mighty name Amen.

by butterfly

Pray Pray

16 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I am agreeing with you on your prayer. I am testimony that God is a healer because I was healed of smoking cigs after 11yrs w/ my daddy dying from mainly smoking.. Just have many as possible pray for you & when u feel weak, ask God for strength to not reach for them. The Lord is good & he will heal u just don't give up hope. God Bless!

Wendy~blessed | on Mar 26, 2010

U take first step jesus will take 2

ej | on Mar 26, 2010

Thanks God bless

butterfly | on Mar 26, 2010

Used to smoke cig too but the night I got saved I totally forget that I used to .surrender all to Jesus and walk away and don't ever look behind. Remember lot's wife looked back and became a pillar of salt. Please don't be one of the many folks who have already become like lot's wife. Trust Jesus.

cherry | on Mar 26, 2010

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