Prayer Request

My Heavenly Father I thank U for all the things that U have given me. I know that I'm truly blessed everyday. Father all of my medication are causing all this blurred vision I'm having. It's getting harder and harder to see. I once had medical insurance buti don't anymore so I can't go to see my doctor. I decided to gradually take myself off of them, all except for a couple that I really really need. Please let my vision become clear once more like it was when I was in my 30's. All this medication is causing me to gain so much weight that I can't stand to look at myself anymore. I just want to loose all this extra weight I've gain since my children were born. I want to be happy without taking all this junk. Please God I beg of u, I'm so unhappy with the way I look. Jesus gave sight to a blind man, please don't take mine away. I hate those medicines so badly that I don't know what to do. I didn't realized that all of them caused blurred vision, if I did I wouldn't have taken them. Thank U in advance. I love U and Ur son so very much. My life wouldn't be anything without the Grace and Mercy U have given to me. These things I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus, Amen

by Anonymous

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