Prayer Request

Lord Jesus Christ forgive me for feeling so depressed. It's so hard. I feel rejected and worthless. Please give me the strenght to let go of my ex boyfriend whom I broke up with after 2 1/2 years who disrespected me. I still have to deal with coming across him and the fact that he avoids me causes so much pain. The fact that he hasent tried to contact me knowing that I have tried Is painful. I feel like I never mattered to him and he has moved on.
Please hear my prayer lord Jesus Christ. I faith in you please heal me.
I can't go another day feeling so hopless. It's been 6 months.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God will strengthen you.

p2k | on Mar 23, 2010

I understand how you feel, I'm dealing with the same thing. Sometimes I wake up crying but after thosr tears of sorrow I thank GOD! Why because he's starting the healing process, which will take some time. Continue to pray and deal with the sorrow and pain with a open heart because GOD had this purpose for us, don't know why put it was! Ill kept u in my prayers.

monie | on Mar 23, 2010

I will keep you in my prayer to. Thank you!

Anonymous | on Mar 23, 2010

I've been in your shoes, it will take you sometime to heal, but please don't give up on yourself. You have to believe that your worth more than how your feeling. Read psalm 37 or any version of psalm. Surround yourself with friends and family who loves you. Take time for yourself, figure out what you want, its probably his lost. When someone sees you hurting, they will take advantage of your weekness. Be strong, move on with your life look deep within yourself.

Anonymous | on Mar 23, 2010

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