Prayer Request

I pray that you would hear me god. I can't take this pain anymore, I just can't. I've done everything I've absolutely can to try and get over him, but the pain is still just as real months and months later. It's just hard to accept that I did everything right and was perfect to him, and my best just wasn't good enough. I don't understand why i deserve this.. But I can't take the pain from it anymore. Please, I pray for him to appreciate all that I did, and to realize that the life with me is better than without me.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I don't know much about ur situation right now. But it seems ur trying to get over from ur ex... be strong and always think positive. If you and him are meant to be... things will fall into place. For now, go out there and find what will make u happy and what can fill up the emptiness in ur heart.

Anonymous | on Sep 01, 2013

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