Prayer Request

Dear God
Please help me in all my situations that I am facing right now. I need to get all the bad things out of my life, so that i can be the true servant, and true light that i need to be for you. God, right now as i lay in the bed, crying and hurting inside please move for me. I need help, and i have nowhere to turn.

by Jessica

Pray Pray

17 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Sometimes it feels we are all alone but we are not. God came to call the sinners so that he could offer us eternal life. Even as a Christian we sin. We are to
confess our sin to him. He will forgive us. No matter what. Please know when you feel this way, God is doing his best work in you.

sinner | on Mar 18, 2010

Amen. And thank Him and glorify his name even during these tough times.

ChosenVessel | on Mar 18, 2010

Jessica, it is in our most darkest time that our lord and savior holds u tight in his loving arms, and as ur tears fall from ur eyes he will take those sorrowful tears turn them to joyous tears in ur victories he will give unto u when u surrender them to him truthfully. (With all ur heart) in ur walk with him and season to come.
plz go into search on poems title. Write BROKEN WIFE" that is my testimony for when I first got saved. u will c 4 with same title. Mine is the. First 1. B blessed. If u want u can email me @[email hidden from spammers]

foreverloved | on Mar 18, 2010

Jessica just remember to trust in HIM and He will make a way.god bless u

Shay | on Mar 18, 2010

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