Prayer Request

Dear Jesus Christ,

I come to you today to say thank you for another day. Jesus you are an alwsome and mighty God and I will continue to keep lifting your name on high Father, and giving you all the praise and the glory. Jesus you have my soul, mind, body and spirit. I need you to use me Father. I am your child and Im willing to obey. Have your way Lord, have your way.
Jesus I can not do without you Lord. I need you to help me and guide me much as possible. Im still a little week Lord. Strength me some of your power Father.
Jesus I come to you and say Im ready for a change Father. Im ready to listen.
In the blood of Christ,

by trice

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Praise the lord!!!!! Inspiring prayer!!! Jesus thank you !!!

Anonymous | on Mar 18, 2010

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