Prayer Request

Heavenly father I pray and ask for forgiveness I had thoughts of wanting my ex husband to die. Today was a day were police was involved (popping up at my house w/out permission). His feeling got hurt because he got caught up in lies and he told my son he would never call him again apologized and whisper in his ear he will never call him again. My son cried after all was said and done. It hurt my heart and I wanted him to die. I repented 3 times today but I still am confused on what to do. I spoke w/ my son. He don't open up much, I don't want him to hold things in then explode. I was praying to you for forgiveness and guidance on how to raise and talk to my son. I want to protect him and feel like I have let him down. I pray that you touch my son and show him how special he is. Also talk to my little one he is a special young man too. In Jesus name Amen

by Anonymous

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