Prayer Request

God please help me. School is causing me a lot of stress and I'm only 13. Being a middle school girl is hard because I'm having to face peer pressure. I need support from you father as well as the other believers seeing this. I don't know how to avoid peer pressure and I need help. I love you God

by juls

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Father GOD, I come into agreement for Your precious Princess to be set free from all pressure. May Your Holy Spirit Spirit posses her and may she overcome her school activities, studies, homework and any other circumstance that's trying to distract her from doing Your will. Not hers! But, only Your will be done, Lord. May Your Angels protect her as The Holy Spirit guides her into all truth. Thank You for making her studies a piece of cake from now on and as a confirmation may you Bless her with Cake! In JESUS' Name I pray, so be it Amen.

Othniel | on May 13, 2013

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