Prayer Request

Dear Lord,
I have a demon on my back that tries to ride me every night deceiving me that he is good for me giving me false nurture with a seductive force. He hass raped me several times now, and I am in fear of this monster to strike again. He awaits me outside this door, disturbing my sleep at night, at times taking me in the middle of the night. Inspite of my cries, he shows false sympathy, for his laciviousness overpowers him and he yet moves forward, violating me, leaving my body used and my soul stained with his unrighteousness. How do i stop Him? Hide me, Lord, take me away from it, and make it go away from me and let me be in peace so that i can praise you with a clean body and spirit. I know you will take it away soon. You always listen to my prayers. Thank you Lord. Your child...

by Ebony

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