Prayer Request

farther.God in the of Jesus I come to you thanking you for being the lord.of my life and for being a way maker, for being a healer and most of all for just you being you. Lord as I come not for me be but for every one that is on this site. I pray for all of the submitted prayers that was sent to me Lord.I pray
that you go to.that Hospital and touch that lady who is in Icu with bleeding in her lungs I ask that you go in and touch her body from the crown of her head down to the soul of her feet stop the bleeding just like you did the women with the issue of blood she was bleeding for 12long years but you heal her and i'm asking that you do that for her and I speak that she shall live and not die and also heal the husband who is sick as well for by your strips he is heal,.and lot.bbi pray for the woman that is in a low place and it seems as she don't know what to do and don't see away out of the but lord i'm asking that you comfort her in this time I send your peace to her now and that it covers her mind when the devil trust to fight her mind and cause a war lord.I pray your peace over take thee and lord give her the strength to move forward and allow to cast all of her cares on you for you care and lord I pray for everyone that are on her have your way in,there life for you know the needs of your people god i'm asking that you restore homes, restore jobs, restore marriages back together, restore health and allow your people to continue to trust you and to know that all things is working together for there good in jesus name I pray amen

if you need.prayer and someone to touch and agree with me let me know also when u do leave your name so I can mention it also have,a bless day it's yours for thee.asking! be bless

by evangelist harden

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Please lift up my family in prayer please may God bless you and thank you

Anonymous | on May 02, 2013

Yes I need prayer I would like to touch and agree that God would send a break through for me to find a good paying Job in the name of Jesus. thank you

Catherine | on May 02, 2013

I agree with you in prayer for the lady who is suffering in ICU from bleeding in her lungs. May the Lord atop the bleeding, heal and restore her back to complete health, in Jesus' name. Amen

God\'s Grace | on May 02, 2013

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