Prayer Request

Father in Heaven, help me to forgive those who have hurt,used and abuse me. Forgive me for all the those i've hurt,used and abused. We all have sinned and fallen short of your glory Lord, but you came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly and you died so that we could be made whole. Renew my mind, guide my steps, increase my faith, replace my pain with your love, release me of my shame with your righteousness; even though i did not deserving of it, you died for me. In my darkness you are the light. I surrender my life to you, to do as you will. I just want to serve your purpose. Remove the blinders from my eyes so i can see your will for me i pray in Jesus name Amen.

by soldierofchrist

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Perfect love casteth out all fear

God is with you already, He will not leave you comfortless. He's already there, holding you.

Anonymous | on Mar 06, 2010

Thanks Anonymous.

soldierofchrist | on Mar 06, 2010

God is love

Anonymous | on Mar 07, 2010

I come into agreement with u & this is also my prayer. Lord thank you for giving us so many chances to get it right with u.

Rhonda(Lovin God) | on Mar 10, 2010

Amen indeed.

soldierofchrist | on Mar 10, 2010

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