Prayer Request

Dear alimghty father who art in the heavens, please forgive me my iniquities and faults as well as my trespasses! Please help me to do well at my new job and learn fast! Thank you for all the underserved blessings in my life and for painting me with ur favor! Thank u for my wonderful godly wife who helps keep me grounded in u. And for my wonderful children and the one on the way u have blessed us with! U never fail and u are always faithful even when we fall short! Ur word always is truth and what u speak always comes to pass! Please help me grow in Love, Faith, Wisdom, and Dicernment! I wanna follow ur plan for my life and my family! Keep us with obediant hearts and sensitive ears that we may hear ur voice and instruction! U are so merciful and patient with ur children Lord! I await ur constant blessings, directions, favor, and love in my life as u help me to be a better father, like u are, and a better husband! Amen!

by seen the light07

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

God bless all the fathers in the world!

shes_ol_that! | on Mar 03, 2010

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