Prayer Request

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. I struggle so much to make good choices and I feel like a failure. I am an alcoholic and I feel like I live in this world but I am from another planet. I can't seem to find my place of belonging. I am so lost and I need strength, Lord, because some days nothing seems to be important enough to care about. I feel like I could have a better life, the life that You want for me, but I can't seem to hold myself together long enough to let you work in me.

I also feel as though I don't have any real friends, I have a meaningless job, and I will spend my life alone, never to find love. I just had a birthday and I've never felt more strongly about this.

I need motivation and strength to be good to myself for once, make positive choices, and stop drinking forever. Please supply me with it now.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

by Daniel

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