Prayer Request

I thank u. Dear Lord for a beautiful day where I was able to relax and get some rest. I thank u because I know you love us. Dear Lord I thank u for this beautiful Sabbath evening u are giving us as well. I ask that u may please forgive us for our sins. Anything that we may have done to offend u or anyone else, please forgive me. Dear Lord I also ask that my relationship with you may continue to grow. help me fall in love with you more and more each day.
Dear Lord help me feel fulfilled and accomplished. I feel as if I can do so much more. Give me the opportunity to shine and feel accomplished as an individual, as a woman. Please hear my prayers and fill me with ur holy spirit so that I could keep going in this tough world we live in. Thank u for ur love and patience. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

by Anonymous

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