Prayer Request

Dear God, I didn't have a good day today, it was too much negativity! But I'm strong enough to hold on, I know your watching me and the Devil is testing me! I ask you to keep build me with territory,expand my borders, and give me strength and faith each and everyday and look over my love ones and family!! Amen

by kimora7

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Thanks for ur comment. Comfortting. Make this a mantRA: I am blessed and highly favored also b4 u get out of bed say that something good is going to happen to u today. Thanks for the prayers

LittleLambLisa, AZ, USA | on Feb 22, 2010

You are very much welcome! I am proud and thankful that I read what you are going through, and that I can keep you in my prayers! God bless you

kimora7 | on Feb 22, 2010

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