Prayer Request

Lord for whatever reason you decided to allow my etopic pregnancy it was your will but I come before u for me and my husband I ask that you grant our petition to bring a beautiful baby in.This world remove any hindrance out of our way ecspially for my husband you know Garry does not have any kids and he will be a great father I need some real prayer warriors on this petition so if u have our best in mind please pray for us! In Jesus name we pray amen

by latoya davis

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

God allowed me the love of my daughter for 7 days before he took her home. My heart broke because doctors said she would be my last pregnancy, my last child. I Have a 9 yr old after her. You ane your husband have faith in The Almighty and he will grant you your blessings in his time. Be patient and have faith in the giver of life.
I am sorry about your baby, I understand what your loss feels like, u will have that beautiful blessing n due time, just have patience and faith.

tla | on Feb 22, 2010

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