Prayer Request

Father I thank you for another day of life. I lift up my cousin Evelyn, she feel separation from you. Fill her with your love and your grace and your mercy, she loves you and knows that you gave your only son for us. Strengthen her walk and let her defeat any temptation this world has to offer. Keep her in your hand and reveal to her the purpose in her life. In Jesus name amen

by david c.

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I feel like this prayer is also partly for me. :)

Paula | on Feb 21, 2010

God is with you

GOD-IS-1ST | on Feb 21, 2010

Thank you Paula, my cousin is 15 and already feeling the weight of this world. I shared your comment with her and she's glad that there's someone who knows what Shea going through. Stay strong and know that your heavenly Father loves you and He'll never ever leave you. Be Blessed and we are praying for you.

david c. | on Feb 21, 2010

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