Prayer Request

I need a hug God mama is with you in heaven and my dad doesn't speak to me. I'm losing it. I'm exhausted of being strong lord I'm sorry. I can't bear the fact that I'm a motherless daughter at 22 it's just not right

by kasey

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You just have to believe in god, and ever thing will be alright. You just got to hang on longer

the lords child | on Feb 17, 2010

Kasey, perseverance is key here. It may not mean much, but i will be thinking about you and pray for you to make it through. Hang in there, you are not alone! :)

Jace Roan | on Feb 17, 2010

The Lord is close to the broken-hearted....cling to Him!

KK | on Feb 17, 2010

I don't know what u going through but I'm 22 too and life is hitting me hard. We have 2 keep seeking God and as u see. U have support. I hope it helps. I pray the lord heals u with time. I'm sorry about your loss but heaven is so much better than where we are!

Young Woman in Christ | on Feb 17, 2010

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