Prayer Request

Heavenly Father, please give me and my family strength in this tough and trying time as we mourn the loss of my uncle. I never saw him much and now I know exactly why. He struggled all throughout his life, and turned to substances to attempt to fill the void in his heart. My mother and aunt (his sisters) tried to reach out to him and help him as much as they could. Father, please assure them they were in the right, setting forth in their actions under your commandment and perfect love. I ask, Father, that you show my family through your great and awesome name, that he is now experiencing eternal peace. We can no longer think about our regrets, shortcomings, and how we "didn't help him enough". We showed love, support and comfort, which is all we could have done. Please, my savior, let each day become easier than the past, because tougher times lie ahead. I love you Jesus! I know You will get my family through this. I ask all of this in your name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

by ARL

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