Prayer Request

Dear Lord please help me to live my life right in your eyes. Please give me the strenghth to walk away from situations that mean me no good. Open my eyes to anything that's not of you so that I can steer clear of it. Strengthen my faith. I Thanku in advance for everything you do & that you've done so far. Ive come a long way but I know this isn't it. Help me live right lord!
Thanku & Amen

by Rachael

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God loves you. Continue to reach out to him...he hears you. Make sure to always make time for him and get involve in things that will bring you closer to him.

{~°In God=I Trust°~} | on Aug 21, 2012

Thanku. I'm struggling so much in that area. Idk where to begin or what to do. I have the bible app & I read it. I need to incorporate god in my life daily but how. I've had so many failed church relationships so I steer clear but I'm ready to go & find my church home. My neighbourhood don't have many so...

Rachael | on Aug 21, 2012

Start reading the Bible from the beginning, Genesis. Make sure to read at least one chapter a day. Or download the Daily Bible app so that it can read to you. As far as church, church is to refresh when u stop to get gas, but remember a car will need other things done in order for it to function properly. So going to church doesn't means that that will fill you up entirely but staying connected with God will. God appreciate our dedication! that's why it is important to attend church, go to church with a new mind set to trust God and not your own expectations on how church should feel. If God wants for you to service him elsewhere it will happen, but you have to be dedicated so that he can manifest himself in you. Also find church events or is important to also have a friend who is walking the same walk...try and get to know someone in the church. - May God's grace continue to follow you on this journey.

{~°In God=I Trust°~} | on Aug 21, 2012

Joshua 1:8

{~°In God=I Trust°~} | on Aug 21, 2012

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