Prayer Request

Lord I thank you for this day. I ask that you forgive me for my sins Lord and help me to grow to be a better person. I ask Lord that you bless J. I ask that you comfort him and strengthen him where he needs it. Lord speak to his heart and mind. Allow him to hear your voice. There is clearly some things on his mind and some personal changes in his life. I don't know what they are but I pray he grows closer to you. I love him very much & would like us to be a couple again but I know those changes must happen first. Lord what I'm asking for is impossible with man but not with you and that's the most amazing thing to know. Man may say one thing but you have the final say. Lord I thank you in advance.because I know what I've prayed for his done. I speak a new job into my.existence I speak a better renewed relationship with J into my existence so that we will be a better couple in your son Jesus name I pray Amen

by ALW

Pray Pray

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May The Lord God our Father keep you and Bless your life.

Anonymous | on Feb 16, 2010

My favorite

Anonymous | on Feb 16, 2010

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