Prayer Request

my Dad went to the doctor and has heart blockage severe n has to have a heart cath done then see if he can just do stints then the defibrillator and pacemaker combo he isnt strong enough for heart surgery put in so we r praying and believe in God for his wonderful work to be done n God to touch n heal him I believe in him please keep my dad in ur prayers I believe n faith n I believe in the power of prayer n prayer in numbers I trust u Jesus!!!! Please forgive me of my sins I love u Lord n I love u..please forgive me of my sins Lord help me to over come and defeat and beat this agoraphobia please and panic and anxiety and help me to be good hearted and giving and forgiving to be a better person for my faith to be stronger Jesus I can't make it thru anything without you I need you so much please heal my dad and my family be with him keep him calm and let him know you are taking care of him and that BY YOUR STRIPES WE ARE HEALED!! I believe this I truly believe your name we pray thank you for giving your life for us on the cross please bless everyone including my enemies

by Anonymous

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