Prayer Request

Thank you for blessing me Father God. Please bless my son Charles his not feeling well. Please heal His headache by tomorrow Father God. Please help Shyane do well at school tomorrow and thanks for anwsering her prayers. Please continue to work on my sister marriage Father God keep them and let grow as one in Jesus. Please protect all the marriage in my church Lord watch over them. Please bless my mother who is struggling right now in her faith and help me not be irratated by her. You told me to love You first and to love other like I love myself, help me do that Lord. Please let be able to help the elder man down thd street from the church clean his house and wash his clothes. Please continue to bring people my way so I can be a blessing for them. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

by IbelieveHeanswers

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Thanks for being a blessing for me. Your prayers are are a blessing.

A SINNER LIKE ME | on Feb 15, 2010

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