Prayer Request
Dear lord, today is Valentine's day and its been weeks since my love went to serve jail time, he's gunna be facing bootcamp for 3months or 4years in doc lord I ask that he will get bootcamp I love him with all my heart and I want a future with him I wanna have a real relationship with him and in jesus name he will learn his lesson. I pray for u to keep our relationship strong nd help us continue to grow.I pray although this vday isn't with him that we will have many more to come as a couple. Thank you lord for all you've done nd blessd me with I pray for ur strength and love to help him make this work. Forgive me of my sins of selfishness nd pride and to help me nd my boyfriend grow as Christians.I love u jesus name amen.
by bereal Pray 4 people prayed for this
Comments on this Prayer
Hello I just wanna say god hears your prayers and what he gives is the best not always what you want. The reason I say this is in 06' I faced a similar situation and my daughter dad got 5yrs she was only 3mos. I realized god knows the end from the beginning now I got 11mos to go and it flew. He much stronger and I'm a lot stronger now we can pick up in life and we know better now. Sumtimes god will take away something we love to see if its that thing we serving or him. So if its 3mos or 4yrs rejoice un the lord cause its his design and it the end yall will be blessed. Keep praying I love you
monique | on Feb 14, 2010
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