Prayer Request
Father, I ask you for your Grace and Mercy for my family and friends who are going through some trials and tribulations, whether they want to admit to it or not. I just want them to know that you already know and you will get them through this valley and others to if they would just call on you. You will get them through even though it looks as if though they(we) are walking through the valley or valleys alone all they(we),have to do is turn around and see (glory, glory) only one set of footprints we(they) will know that the ALMIGHTY HAVE TAKEN OVER and all is left for us to havvve FAITH. IN MIGHYTY NAME OF JESUS. AMEM
by Deb Pray 5 people prayed for this
Comments on this Prayer
Thanks for ur prayer as my friend is going through a tough time too. It ws great to read ur prayer.
symba808 | on Feb 13, 2010
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