Prayer Request

Is tired of this, I want my old happy life back....Being a teen mom is something I thought I'd never b...I love my son but the life me and his father has is tearing me apart. .LORD HELP ME I NEED TO STAY STRONG FOR MY SON.

by praying.he's.the.1

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10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God has brought you all together in this as part of divine the spiritual meaning of this... namaste

Triad Being | on Feb 08, 2010

It's a tough transition from being in charge of yourself and now caring for a baby. Just remember that your baby is a gift from God and you have been entrusted with his care. Keep God the center of your life and all that you do. I pray that God gives you patience and strength and wisdom. Remember that first comes God and then your baby. You will be okay and if you ever feel like you can't handle your baby then talk to an adult that you trust and ask for help. God bless you and your baby. Tink

Anonymous | on Feb 08, 2010

I know how u feel I got pregnant when I was sixteen and I am now four months pregnant and just want to be the best mom my baby can have but I'm allready havin people look at me weird its hard but have faith

mariah | on Feb 08, 2010

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